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The price $9.99 is for three fans!    Size: 8.5" high x 15" wide,  silk cover part: 4.5"    Simply and elegant fans with black silk fabric and fine bamboo slats with punched flower patterns.  Please click on the picture to see the back of the fan and fabric detail.    This fan is light and elegant for fanning, good for dancing, very easy to flip open and to be operated in one hand. Add a silk pouch to make it a perfect elegant gift!      The best fan for fanning! Very durable fans, you don't have to buy new fans every year!!!  Size: 9" high x 18" wide  They are perfect simple and elegant black silk fans.  Beautiful hand made black silk fans on natural bamboo.   They are very durable for fanning with sturdy hand made bamboo and large silk top. The best fan for fanning and very reasonable!!! They are light and super easy to carry. You can have them in your purse, drawers, cabinets, in your home,  in your car, or anywhere you want. We got so many compliments from satisfied customers about those black silk fans.     They are also great for dancing. They also look great on stages and perfectly for Tai-Chi.  Hand Made in Vietnam.

Chinese Black Silk Fans/Set of Three

$10.00 Regular Price
$7.00Sale Price
    All orders are shipped from Madison, WI
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